Private Healthcare: Paying for Care

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Paying for Private Healthcare Treatment


Patients choose private treatment for a variety of reasons but often because it provides quick access to a clinician and therefore avoids what can sometimes be long waiting lists. When we are anxious about the health and wellbeing of ourselves or a loved one uncertainty can often make us feel apprehensive, receiving a diagnosis and support as soon as possible is very beneficial. We also know the benefits of early intervention for someone experiencing a mental health problem may include: 

  • Lower risk of relapse 
  • Effective treatments are provided as soon as possible with potential to reduce stress and improve prognosis 
  • In some mental health conditions, it may affect progression of illness

Paying for treatment and what to expect can be unchartered territory and if you are unfamiliar with the process, a little daunting. 

 Most private hospitals have 2 options:

Private Medical Insurance (PMI) 

Some patients have medical insurance, either privately or through their employment. As with all insurance, policies do vary and we recommend checking with your provider for your level of cover. We also recommend you contact your provider and request preauthorisation. They will provide you with a number that you will need to give to your private provider prior to treatment commencing. 

Cardinal Clinic is recognised by all the major insurance companies.



Patients can also pay for their treatment and many do choose this route. Most hospitals accept all major credit and debit cards or bank transfers. For out-patient appointments you are usually required to settle your account on the day of your appointment. For In-patient care you are required to pay a deposit and this usually equates to one week’s stay in a mental health hospital. Hospitals looking after physical health may have different policies.

NHS Patients 

Some private hospitals do have NHS contracts and are part of NHS Choices so you could receive treatment at a private hospital via the NHS.  This is an NHS scheme that allows patients in England to choose the hospital they want to go to for their treatment and book an appointment at a date and time that suits them. For each hospital, a specific list of treatments is available that are covered by the scheme. For more information on the NHS e-Referral System, visit the NHS Choices website 

Cardinal Clinic does not have any NHS contracts so we are unable to accept NHS patients.

1 in 4 people in England need
mental health support*

If you feel like you need professional help, we're a
private mental health hospital in Windsor who
provide outstanding care.

You can call us on 01753 910729 for confidential
advice, or send us an enquiry via our help hub.

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McManus, S., Meltzer,H., Brugha,T.S., Bebbington, P.E. & Jenkins,R. (2009) Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England, 2007: Results of a household survey.

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