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Dr Tauseef Mehdi

MBBS, MRCPsych, PGCert

Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist


Dr Mehdi is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist working in the NHS and privately in Berkshire. Dr Mehdi holds expertise in a range of psychiatric presentations and neurodevelopmental conditions affecting children and young people.

He lectures paediatricians, GPs, foundation doctors and medication students on specialist mental health issues in Children and Young people.


Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Member of Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Member of the Paediatric Liaison Network


Autism Spectrum Disorders
Learning difficulties

Training & Experience

After completing his basic medical training in London, Dr Mehdi specialised in psychiatry and acquired extensive training in acute mental health, neurodevelopmental disorders and forensic psychiatry relevant to women and children. Dr Mehdi is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists since 2011.

Dr Mehdi acquired specialist qualification in Family Therapy during his sub-specialist training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. He worked in and developed specialist clinics for children and young people with neurodevelopmental disorders, eating difficulties and secured his position on the General Medical Council Specialist Register in November 2014 and was appointed consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist in Berkshire. Dr Mehdi is a diagnostic assessor for Autism Spectrum Disorders in children and led the project to implement the integrated complex-neurodisability service for children and adolescents in his NHS role in 2016-2017.

Dr Mehdi has published in peer-reviewed journals on specialist topics. He is passionate about increasing awareness and a better understanding of mental health difficulties in society. In 2014, he established the first ever work experience program for 16-18 year olds in the mental health NHS trust he was working in.

Dr Mehdi uses a holistic approach towards any difficulty affecting the family. He will co-produce an understanding of the difficulties from a biological, psychological, and social model of care. Dr Mehdi will join the family understand the exact nature of the difficulties and how they can be tackled using environmental, psychological, social, and pharmacological strategies if needed.

He keeps the child at the centre of his thinking. It can be a lonely place when we are troubled with emotional difficulties. Dr Mehdi works with children, young people and parents in a way that acknowledges and validates the difficult experience the child and the family is going through but also bringing to light the families’ own resilience that propels the desire for recovery.

Trained educational and clinical supervisor of core and higher trainee doctors in approved training program in psychiatry, Higher Education Thames Valley.

Approved Clinician and S12 (2) doctor within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983.

Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2014.

Trained administrator of Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic interview for assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (3Di).

British Sign Language Level 1 award.

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule administrator.

Diploma in Family therapy, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College 2013.

Medical Degree, St Bartholomew’s and The Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry. University of London 2005.

Research Interests

Autism, ADHD, mental health crisis, comprehensive assessments and formulations, addressing unmet needs.



Contact Me

Mobile:  07717844321