Dr Jeremy Mudunkotuwe is an expert in the assessment and management of Adult ADHD. He is a working Age Adult consultant with extensive experience in managing mental health disorders including depression and anxiety disorders. Alongside his medical career Jeremy has achieved excellence in the area of medical education.
Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych),
GMC number: 4719647
Training & Experience
Jeremy is a consultant psychiatrist with a passion for helping people with Adult ADHD. He has worked in the assessment and management of Adult ADHD for the last 10 years. For the last 6 years he has worked in one of the largest NHS services for neurodevelopmental disorders in the country, full time and continues in this role alongside his work with the Cardinal Clinic.
Jeremy studied medicine at the University of Southampton and graduated in 2000. He completed his core and higher Psychiatric training in London and gained his membership to the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2008. Jeremy became a consultant in an NHS community mental health team in 2010. During his years working in a general adult psychiatry team he has developed skill in assessment and support for those with mood and anxiety disorders in particular. When the opportunity arose to work full time with those with Adult ADHD Jeremy jumped at the chance. He recognised that this was becoming more of an issue in society that he may be able to help.
Alongside his clinical work Jeremy has always taken an active role in public and medical education. He has taken responsible roles in education during his career including Honorary Lecturer in the University of London, Locality Tutor, Training Program Director and is currently the Director of Medical Education (DME) in Surrey and Borders Mental Health Foundation Trust. He was awarded a Masters in Medical Education from Brighton and Sussex University in 2016. He is the chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists National DME group.
Jeremy has found this interest in education has helped him to be skilled in having a dialogue with people about what matters in their life and how the service that we offer can support them for the future.
Jeremy has a keen interest in music and enjoys singing in his spare time. This has meant that he has had a particular insight into the pressures that people face working within the music industry.
Research Interests
Jeremy has taken an active role in research in his professional life. In recent years his research work has focused on his two main interests of ADHD and education. He is currently a deputy principal investigator in a randomised controlled trial in the field of Autistic Spectrum Disorder with the University of Bristol.
Contact Me
Dr Mudunkotuwe is happy to accept self-referrals, GP referrals and requests from other specialists via the channels below:
Web: https://cardinalclinic.co.uk/
E-Mail: referrals@cardinalclinic.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1753 869755
Mailing address for postal referrals: Cardinal Clinic, Oakley Green, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5UL