12 Days of Christmas

News, Corporate

“Technology has transformed family life over the years. It can bring us together or keep us apart. Use technology sensibly this Christmas to help celebrate...

“Technology has transformed family life over the years. It can bring us together or keep us apart. Use technology sensibly this Christmas to help celebrate with friends and family. And if your devices are becoming divisive, Christmas could prove an ideal time for a techno-detox. Going cold turkey is a lot easier if you are surrounded by the people you love.

 – Dr Martin Carroll, Clinical Psychologist


“Loneliness can be accentuated at Xmas time and one can be tempted to fill up the loneliness still leaving you dissatisfied. However, if it’s possible to sit and reflect on your feelings then the pain of loneliness may pass, leaving you with possibilities for being involved with others or in activities that mean something to you. There is a difference between running away and walking away from loneliness. “

– Narendra Keval, Chartered Clinical Psychologist


“Press the Pause button – remember to take breaks at regular intervals during all the busyness. Taking just a few minutes at regular intervals to ground yourself, take a few deep breaths, and remind yourself that you deserve some Christmas compassion too can do wonders to calm your stress levels down.

 – Louise Watson, Chartered Counselling Psychologist


“Take some time for yourself, if you are feeling recharged you will manage everything else much better. Breathe, think about what is actually important and try to cast aside everything else. Go back to basics, get the board games out, go for long walks, and just simply enjoy being together.”

 – Vicky Carroll, Psychotherapist


“The festive period often involves overindulgence, with promises to get healthier put off to the New Year. Remember that every day is a day to make healthy choices – saying no thank you to that extra drink (or yes please to those extra veg!), and keeping active over the holiday season can help end the year the way you want to start the next!”

– Dr Niraj Arora, Consultant Psychiatrist


“Family Christmases can be stressful, especially these days when Christmas seems to start in November! Don’t aim for “Perfect” aim for “Good Enough”. Kids will appreciate time watching “Elf” and eating shop bought mince pies with Mum and Dad far more than they’ll appreciate eating a perfect, made from scratch, six course feast with frazzled parents! “

– Toria Tutt, Psychotherapist


“Pause, take a breath, remember it’s only a day, enjoy it and remember things don’t have to be perfect in order to have fun and make great memories! “

– Dr Kavita Deepak-Knights, Chartered Clinical Psychologist


“Christmas is full of warmth and love for some, for others it is cold and lonely. Taking the time to listen and care, or be able to reach out for care and to be heard, are important in equal measure at this time of year.“

 – Dr Niraj Arora, Consultant Psychiatrist


“Take some time out every day to do something for yourself. Whether it’s a CBT thought diary, enjoying a solitary brew, phoning your best friend for a chat, or taking the dog out for a walk remember how important it is to invest time in your mental well being.”

– Toria Tutt, Psychotherapist


“Christmas can be a special time of year to create meaningful memories for children, but It can also be a very stressful and overwhelming time for parents feeling numerous demands and high expectations. I think it is important to try and take some pressure off yourself, allocate tasks, for example, ask family members to bring dishes, get aunt and uncle or grandparents involved, ask them to play with the children whilst you get on with cooking the dinner. Also allocate tasks to the children, laying the table and decorating the Christmas tree, they love to be involved, even if they complain about it or it ends up looking not quite the way you would like it!!”

– Vicky Carroll, Psychotherapist


“Christmas can be a busy time, with lots to do, presents to buy, people to meet and fun to be had. It can also be a chaotic time and it is very important to look after yourself. If you are taking prescribed medication, ensure you take it regularly. Make sure you have enough medication to last you the holidays as many General Practices and pharmacies will be closed on these days. The NHS Choices website( https://www.nhs.uk) will guide you to finding the nearest pharmacy to you.”

– Dr Jane Perera, Consultant Psychiatrist


“Christmas can be a time of excess; food, drinks, parties, late nights.. Do everything in moderation and remember the value of being able to enjoy the moment with family and friends. If you do drink, be careful, be safe and do not drink and drive. It is not worth it. Happy Christmas from all at Cardinal Corporate.”

– Dr Jane Perera, Consultant Psychiatrist


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McManus, S., Meltzer,H., Brugha,T.S., Bebbington, P.E. & Jenkins,R. (2009) Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England, 2007: Results of a household survey.

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