The ‘extreme’ side-effects of antidepressants


On 19th October the BBC reported on The ‘extreme’ side-effects of antidepressants (see Antidepressants...

On 19th October the BBC reported on The ‘extreme’ side-effects of antidepressants (see

Antidepressants aren’t perfect but they save lives

Antidepressants can have side effects in some patients. Antidepressants aren’t perfect but they save lives. Whether the side effects are extreme depends on what you get and your point of view. Severe depression is an awful condition, resulting in suicide for some. It’s not the same as being unhappy.

Side Effects of Antidepressants

It is true in general that the more serious and sinister the medical condition the more patients are willing to tolerate in the way of side effects. Think of cancer, providing the chemotherapy doesn’t kill you, most people will take it if there is any chance it will save their lives or even give them a few months more.

In my experience patients will put up with very significant side effects if they feel better from depression. Well, that is not surprising really because anybody who has had cancer and depression is more likely than not to tell you that the depression is the worst.

The Right Antidepressants

Even so, the art and science of medicine are important and our job is to find antidepressants that do suit the patient. It can be done. It is what I do all day and every day.

Dr Andy Macaulay, Consultant Psychiatrist

At Cardinal Clinic all our Clinicians are highly experienced in the treatment of depression and fully aware of the potential side-effects. Please see our links for further information:

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McManus, S., Meltzer,H., Brugha,T.S., Bebbington, P.E. & Jenkins,R. (2009) Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England, 2007: Results of a household survey.

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