World Mental Health Day Review


World Mental Health Day Review

Each year World Mental Health Day is on October 10th and each we do something to acknowledge the day.

This year we hosted an educational event for schools. This was following the themes from the World Health Organisation ‘Young people and mental health in a changing world’.  We welcomed over 35 people to the Clinic for a free to attend all day workshop.

The Adolescent Brain:  Kerstin Thirlwall

The first talk was given by Kerstin Thirlwall, Child & Adolescent Clinical Psychologist – The Adolescent Brain. Kerstin looked at what happens as we transition from childhood to adulthood as our brain undergoes major structural changes. Kerstin presented information that showed normal developmental progression of the adolescent, how these changes are likely to present themselves in daily adolescent experiences, and how adults can support healthy development during this incredible phase of maturation.

Attachment and Neuroscience – Dr Clare Gates

Dr Clare Gates, Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist delivered the next talk – Attachment and Neuroscience. Dr Gates discussed the ways in which our relationships can have an impact on the developing brain and looked at ways in which we can utilise this knowledge to protect young people from mental health problems.

The Role of Parents and Carers in Anorexia Nervosa – Dr Irene Yi

After a well earnt coffee break, Dr Irene Yi, Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist presented The Role of Parents and Carers in Anorexia Nervosa. Dr Yi explained treating young people with Anorexia Nervosa is difficult, time consuming and costly. Dr Yi focussed on a parents’ psychoeducation group approach as an early treatment intervention, which has been shared country-wide to all specialist eating disorder services.

Why Children Self Harm – Dr Beth Kremer-Collins

The next speaker was Dr Beth Kremer-Collins, Child & Adolescent Clinical Psychologist who discussed Self-Harm. Beth looked at some ideas as to why children self-harm, some facts about it, what can be done to help children and their parents. The session gave practical advice for teachers and other professionals, on how to manage the behaviour and where to get additional support from.

Complex Assessment ASD – Amanda Owen

The final speaker of the morning was Amanda Owen, Child & Adolescent Clinical Psychologist who addressed Complex Assessment ASD. Amanda asked “Is it that they can’t or is it that they won’t?” Amanda described the process and purpose of neurological assessments and how they can inform the approaches that might be helpful with children with learning and behaviour difficulties at school.

The afternoon session was delivered by a multi -disciplinary panel and offered the delegates the opportunity to discuss case studies and problems they are currently facing in school. The panel was led by Dr Fivos Cacoullis, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and clinical lead for the Clinic’s Child & Adolescent services.

The feedback we received was outstanding and we were delighted to have been able to provide this much needed educational support to a forum of people facing mental health challenges with young people each day.

Thank you so much for putting on the Mental Health Awareness Workshop. Quite honestly, I thought it was the most thought-provoking and interesting educational meeting I have ever attended. The speakers were all engaging and well organised and the subject matter of the presentations was consistently fascinating – and important with regard to understanding young people.

Luke:  Claires Court Senior Boys School

Thank you so much for an amazing day and your hospitality. It was so interesting and informative, also great to be able to be able to meet the speakers.

I am really grateful for the PPTs attached, it will enable me to feed back to my department.

Please keep in contact with any future events that I may be able to share with my colleagues.

Jean:  Gumley House School

Just wanted to say a big thank you for such a wonderful day yesterday. All speakers were very knowledgeable in their topic. I enjoyed the venue and the thoughtful nourishment. A day very well spent. thank you.

Liz:  School Nursing Team, Achieving for Children

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McManus, S., Meltzer,H., Brugha,T.S., Bebbington, P.E. & Jenkins,R. (2009) Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England, 2007: Results of a household survey.

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