
Thank you for confirming you’ll be funding treatment via health insurance.

Please select which insurance-funded service you would like to refer yourself to.
In-Patient Care
Out-Patient Care
Day Care

Your Treatment Options

In-Patient Care

Some patients require a more intense or structured approach to their treatment or need to be away from the everyday situations that are contributing to their condition. Other patients require a treatment which can only be delivered in an in-patient setting.

Staying at the Clinic, in-patients participate in the therapeutic programme that runs throughout the day and benefit from our 24/7 nursing care.

More information about our in-patient care.

Out-Patient Care

Out-patient care is where patients only spend time at Cardinal Clinic when they are actually in a one-to-one appointment with their consultant psychiatrist or therapist.  They attend the appointment and then leave.

The out-patient service is appropriate for patients who require a lower level of support than our in-patients or day care patients.  Out-patients may see a clinician as often as weekly, or as infrequently as every three months.

More information about our out-patient care.

Day Care

Some patients require a more intensive approach to treatment than coming to the Clinic as an out-patient. Equally, some patients can benefit from more structured support when they are discharged from in-patient care.  In both these cases, our day care service can help.

Our day care service operates three days per week between 10am and 3:30pm.  Patients may attend for a single day per week or for multiple days.  Different days have different themes and therefore some days may be more appropriate for your personal care plan, than others.

More about our day care.